Abbotts DriveAbergavenny GardensAddison Rd (Stop Kc)Addison Rd (Stop Kg)Alauna AvenueAlbert RoadAlcester AcademyAlcester Academy Bus ParkAlcester Members ClubAlder Park RoadAldi SupermarketAlexandra HospitalAll Saints Centre (Stop Kk)All Saints Centre (Stop Km)All Saints ParkAlmond CloseAmber CourtApethorn LaneApex Corner /Hampton Road West (Stop D)Apex Corner /Hampton Road West (Stop U)Arcon RoadArdencote RdArden CottageArgles RoadArtel CroftAsh Bank HotelAshbourne RoadAshbrook RdAshcombe CentreAshcombe ParkAshcombe Park Cricket ClubAshenhurst LaneAshenhurst WayAshton Sixth Form CollegeAsh Tree InnAstley StreetAve RdBall Haye RoadB And QBantock AvenueBarcheston RdBarngate StreetBarns FarmBarr Beacon CrossroadsBarr Beacon SchoolBarthomley RoadBarton RoadBasford Lane Industrial EstateBasnetts Wood RoadBattery Retail ParkBeacon Hill FarmBeat LaneBeauchamp RoadBeaufort RoadBeaver Road Bridge (Stop G)Beaver Road Bridge (Stop H)Beech CloseBella Pais CloseBellerton LaneBell LaneBell Lane (Stop Nj)Bell RdBerwick ArmsBinns StreetBirchall LaneBirmingham HospiceBirmingham RdBirmingham RoadBishops LaneBishopton CloseBlackford RoadBlackheathBlacksmiths Arms PhBlackthorn WayBlackwall Road SouthBlore LaneBlount AvenueBlue Coat SchoolBoltons Lane (Stop Bk)Borers CloseBottetourt RdBottom Lane FarmBournbrook ManorBrabyns RoadBradmore InnBraithwell DriveBreech CloseBridle LaneBrinklow RdBristol RdBritannia HouseBroadwayBroadway NorthBroadway (Stop E)Bromley Edge LaneBrookfields RoadBrookhouse LaneBrookhouse RdBrooklands Way (Stop B)Brooklands Way (Stop M)Brookside RoadBrowells Lane Uxbridge Rd (Stop Ab)Browells Lane Uxbridge Rd (Stop Al)Bryan AvenueBuckmaster WayBurleigh CloseBus GarageBusiness ParkBus ShelterBus StationBus Station (Bay 5)Bus Station (Stand 1)Bus Station (Stand 2)Bus Station (Stand 4)Bus Station (Stand 5)Bus Station (Stand C)Bus Station (Stand D)Bus Station (Stand E)Bus Station (Stand G)Buxton StreetByrons LaneCadnam CloseCalthorpe RdCambridge Road (Stop L)Cambridge Road (Stop Z)Campbell AvenueCarlton RoadCastlecroftCastle RoadCedar StreetCemeteryCentral AvenueCentral Way (Stop G)Central Way (Stop H)Chapel CloseChapel StreetCharlemont RdCharles RdCharles StreetCheadle Primary SchoolCheddleton Heath RoadCheshire CheeseChester Street (Stop C)Chestnut CloseChinn BrookChrist ChurchChurchChurch HillChurchill RoadChurch LaneChurch RoadChurnet Valley RoadCisterns CloughClarence RoadClarke CrescentClough LaneCoalpit LaneCompton Park SchoolsConquest Plants NurseryCo-OpCo-Op Car ParkCopse CloseCorneville RoadCornwell ManorCornwell TurnCottage PlaceCotteswold Crest SchoolCoughton CourtCounty ShowgroundCourt CrescentCourtway DriveCozens LaneCrabbs CrossCrabbs Cross Post OfficeCranford Lane Hatton CrossCranmore RdCromwell Road Bus Station (Stop A2)Cromwell Road Bus Station (Stop A6)Crooks LaneCross Farm RdCrossroadsCross Roads CottageCross StreetCross Street (Stop Hb)Cross Street (Stop Hm)Cuttinglye RoadDaintry StreetDalehouse RoadDarleyshire FarmDarris RoadDene HouseDenford RoadDesigner Outlet And Asda (Stop A)Designer Outlet And Asda (Stop B)Dickinson Street (Stop So)Dingle LaneDoctors SurgeryDonkey LaneDormans Station TurningDoval GardensDovedale RoadDowson RoadDuke StreetDunwood LaneEarlswayEastchurch RoadEast CourtEastern AvenueEast Grinstead Station (Stop A)East HillEast Lancs Park & Ride (Stop D)East Park
Eaves LaneElford RdElmdon RdElmfield Avenue (Stop C)Elmfield Avenue (Stop D)Envoy Avenue (Stop K)Envoy Avenue (Stop M)Etwall RdEvesham StreetExeter RdFairfax Road (Stop D)Fairfax Road (Stop E)Fairlawn DriveFair ViewFalcon ParkFalmouth RdFarm CloseFashoda RdFeatherstone RdFelbridge HotelFelbridge NurseriesFelbridge SchoolFelsted StreetFeltham Assembly Hall (Stop S)Feltham Assembly Hall (Stop T)Feltham Police Station (Stop W)Feltham Police Station (Stop Y)Feltham Station (Stop M)Feltham Station (Stop N)Felthouse LaneFern GroveFlaxpond RoadFools Nook InnForge GarageFoscot TurnFox LaneFrank Gee CloseFrederick Road (Stop N)Freehay RoadFroghall RoadFulbrook GroveGarden CentreGarden Wood RoadGawend LaneGeorge Williams WayGibbins RdGibby WayGillity VillageGivaudanGlodwick RoadGodley Station (Stop B)Godley Station (Stop D)Godstone RoadGoffs ParkGoffs Park RoadGoldthorn HillGoldthorn RdGrammar SchoolGrange LaneGrange RoadGrapes HotelGrays RoadGreat South West Road Hatton (Stop H)Great South West Road Hatton (Stop J)Greaves AvenueGreenfield RdGreengate StreetGreenhill LaunderetteGreenhill StreetGreen Hill WayGreen LaneGreen'S LaneGregory AveGregory StreetGrinlow RoadGrosvenor RoadHallstead RdHamil DriveHamilton StreetHammersley Hayes RoadHampton Road East (Stop E)Hampton Road East (Stop T)Hampton Wick (Stop B)Hampton Wick (Stop G)Hanworth Air Park Leisure Ctr & Library (Stop Ad)Hanworth Air Park Leisure Ctr & Library (Stop Aj)Hanworth Road (Stop Hf)Hanworth Road (Stop Hu)Harborne JunctionHarbourne RoadHarlington Corner (Stop J)Harlington Road East (Stop E)Harmans MeadHarrison WayHarwood GroveHaste Hill AvenueHathaway Green LaneHatton Cross Station (Stop C)Hatton Cross Station (Stop E)Hatton GreenHatton Road North (Stop K)Hatton Road North (Stop M)Haunch CloseHaxted RoadHazelhurst DriveHazel RdHeadless CrossHealth Centre (Entrance)Heath AvenueHeathcote DriveHeath CrossHeathrow Central Bus StationHeathrow Central Bus Station (Stop 19)Heron AvenueHerontye DriveHigginshaw RoadHighfield Rd IslandHigh SchoolHigh StreetHigh Street / Feltham (Stop E)High Street / Feltham (Stop F)Hilldrop GroveHill Top ViewHintlesham AvenueHollie Lucas RdHollister DriveHollow LaneHollybank CloseHollybush LaneHolly Road (Stop Hc)Holly Road (Stop Hl)HolmfieldHolts LaneHoly Trinity SchoolHomewood School GroundsHorse And GroomHorsecroft CrescentHospitalHough LaneHounslow Road Hanworth (Stop Ae)Hounslow Road Hanworth (Stop Ah)Hubert RdHuddersfield RoadHullbrook RdHumphrey Middlemore DriveHuntley LaneHythe Road The New Fox InnImberhorne Upper SchoolIndustrial ParkInglemere GroveIronworksIvor RoadIvy House RoadJacey RdJeffery CloseJennie Lee WayJervoise RdJessica GroveJohnstone AvenueJubilee AvenueJubilee WalkJude WalkJulie Rose StadiumKenilworth CloseKiln LaneKing George RoadKings Coughton LaneKings Heath ParkKings RoadKingston AvenueKingston Lane (Stop Q)Kingston Lane (Stop W)Kingston Station (Stop Q)Kingston / Wood Street (Stop N)Kingston / Wood Street (Stop P1)King StreetKipling WayKnott LaneLakeland LodgeLangford GroveLangridge WayLansbury Avenue (Stop F)Lansbury Avenue (Stop J)Larches WayLashmereLaurel GroveLea RdLeekbrook WayLeek High SchoolLeek Highway DepotLeek Old RoadLeek RoadLees New RoadLegge LaneLeinster RoadLibraryLily LanesLindrum AvenueLingfield RacecourseLingfield Railway Station (Stop A)Liston StreetLittle Blakelow FarmLockwood RdLodge AvenueLodge LaneLodge RoadLondon Place (Stop Ck)Longford Close (Stop F)Longford Close (Stop R)Longmore RdLongwall AvenueLongwood Lane
Lower End Bus ShelterLower Teddington Road (Stop A)Lower Teddington Road (Stop H)Mabledon AvenueMackeson RoadMalcolm CloseManchester Crown Court (Stop Ww)Manchester Royal Infirmary (Stop S)Manor RdManor RoadMarket PlaceMarket StreetMarquis Of Granby PhMarston RdMarston Road (Stop P)Marston Road (Stop X)MascotteMaster Potter PhMatalanMayfieldsMcdonaldsMciver CloseMeadow Brook RdMeadowsideMellor Road (Stop D)Memorial HallMetchley CourtMetchley Hall (Stop Uf)Metchley ParkMiddle Acre RoadMidsummer ParkMillennium Medical CentreMillers CloseMillfieldMill LaneMilltown WayMilner RdMinn End LaneMoat House InnMondial Way (Stop Bl)Moorland RoadMoorlands HospitalMoorside High SchoolMoorside RoadMorrisonsMorrisons StoreMoss HillMossley RoadMostyn StreetMount RdMuchall RdNapton GroveNational Physical LaboratoryNational Physical Laboratory (Stop K)Natwest BankNeedle CloseNelson StreetNene Road (Stop Bj)Nene Road (Stop Bm)Newearth RoadNewey RdNew Finney GardensNewman GroveNewman Street (Stop D)Newport Road (Stop Bs)New RoadNew Road Harlington (Stop D)New StreetNew Street FarmNicholas GroveNigel AvenueNine Days LaneNo. 101No. 105No. 15No. 72No. 78Noblett RoadNorthfield RdNorthfleet StreetNorth RdNorton LaneNovi LaneNursery AvenueOak CloseOakhurst CornerOak StreetOakwood RoadOld Buxton RoadOld Church RdOld Clough LaneOldfield RoadOld Post OfficeOld School CloseOld Town RoadOrmond Drive (Stop Hj)Ormond Drive (Stop Ht)Osborne StreetOsprey CloseOstlers LaneOverdale PlaceOxfamOxford Road Hampton HillOx PasturePalace RoadPark CornerParker StreetPark GreenPark InnParklandsPark LanePark RoadPark Road Hampton HillParkside (Stop Ha)Parkside (Stop Hn)Parsons RoadPasture WoodPauls MeadPavilion GardensPayne WayPelham LanePendleton Church (Stop Q)Pennhouse AvenuePershore RdPethillshead LanePetrol StationPinfold LanePlough StreetPlovers RisePolice StationPolice Station (Stop Aj)Poole CrescentPool End FarmPopham Close (Stop C)Popham Close (Stop V)Post OfficePotteries WayPowys ArmsPrimary SchoolPrince George StreetPrincethorpe RdPriory AvenueProvidence SquareQuarry RdQueen Elizabeth Hospital (Stop Qb)Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Stop Qc)Queens DriveQueens RoadQueens Road (Stop G)Queens Road (Stop P)Queen Victoria HospitalRail Station TurnRailway Approach (Stop D)Railway StationRailway Station BridgeRailway ViaductRalph DriveRavenhill TerraceRavensdale GardensRectory LaneRedbrook LaneRedditch Bus Station (Stand G)Redditch RoadRedruth RdRidgefield (Stop Wx)Ridley'S CornerRobin Hood IslandRoebuck InnRookery RdRose Bank StreetRosemary DriveRough Hill DriveRoundthorn RoadRowan CloseRownall RoadRowplatt LaneRoyal OakRuckley RdSackville College (Stop K)Sackville College (Stop L)Sackville SchoolSacred Heart ChurchSainsburys StoreSale LaneSalford CathedralSalford Central Rail Station (Stop Wy)Salford Crescent Rail Station (Stop B)Salford TurnSalisbury StreetSaltway CentreSandon StreetSandybrook LaneSandy Hill RdSandy LaneSaracens HeadSaxon Wood Close (Stop Nl)School CloseSchool LaneSchool RdSelbourne RoadSelly Hill RdSelly Oak StationSerpentine RdShakespeare InnShenley AcademyShenley GardensSherwood RoadShip InnShoreham LaneShropshire Brook RoadShutlock LaneSipson Way / Blunts Avenue (Stop Bc)
Skip LaneSmithy LaneSneyd ArmsSneyd StreetSolihull CollegeSolihull GateSolihull Rail Station (Stand G)Solihull Rail Station (Stand H)Solihull Station Interchange (Stand D)Solihull Station Interchange (Stop T2)Solihull Town Centre (Stop Sc)Solihull Town Centre (Stop Sl)Somerset RoadSouthcrestSouthlowe RoadSouth Of Studley Road IslandSpar StoreSpernal Ash GarageSpicer'S HillSpringhill LaneSpring Hill LaneStaffs Moorlands Council OfficesStampstone StreetStandard LaneSt Ann StreetStar RoadStation LaneStation RoadSt Benedicts Rc SchoolSt Christopher'S RoadSt Faiths RoadSt Hilda'S AvenueSt James ChurchSt James Square (Stop Cp)St John'S ChurchSt Leonards AvenueSt Luke'S ChurchSt Margaret'S DriveSt. Mark'S Road (Stop R)St. Mark'S Road (Stop V)St Marys RoadSt. Marys RoadSt Michaels ChurchStonebrook WayStone Quarry EstateStop B 1Stop O 1Stop Q1Stop Q2Stop S1Stop S4Stop S5Stop S6Stop S7Stour CloseSt Pauls Hill RoadSt Peters ChurchSt Peter'S ChurchSt Peter'S Square (Stop Sd)St Pier'S LaneStratford CollegeStratford High SchoolStubbs RdSt Wilfrid'S SchoolSummerhill LaneSunningdale CourtSunnymeadSutton CloseSwallowfieldTame StreetTaylor StreetTeddington / Broad Street (Stop E)Teddington / Broad Street (Stop F)Teddington Lock (Stop M)Teddington Lock (Stop Y)Teddington Memorial Hospital (Stop J)Teddington Memorial Hospital (Stop L)TempleTenford LaneTerrace RoadTewnalls LaneThe ApproachThe AvenueThe BarberryThe Beaver InnThe Bell InnThe ChennellsThe ChequersThe CrescentThe Croft Primary SchoolThe Cross Keys PhThe CrownThe Duke'S HeadThe Fat OxThe Friary SchoolThe GreenThe Green ManThe Gunmakers ArmsThe HeightsThe HolliesThe HollybushThe LarchesThe Learning HubThe MaccThe MartinsThe Norton Knatchbull SchoolThe OleasterThe Plum PuddingThe Porch HouseThe Prince AlbertThe RidgewayThe Star InnThe Stepping StonesThe Swan And DogThe VillageThorncliffe RoadThornhill RoadThree Bridges Station (Stop A)Three Bridges Station (Stop B)Three Horseshoes InnThrockmorton ArmsTiltwood DriveTiverton AcademyToby CarveryTollgate CottagesToms Town LaneTower StreetTown End LaneToy Lane TurnTravellers Rest PhTrent BridgeTrentfields RoadTurner CourtTwirl Hill RoadTyldesley Square (Stop D)Tyler WayUnion RdUniversity Of ManchesterUniversity Of SalfordUniversity Shopping Centre (Stop D)Upfield WayUxbridge Road / Hampton Sainsbury'S (Stop S)Uxbridge Road Hampton (Stop Hk)Vale AvenueVant StreetVaynor DriveVillage HallVillage StoreWalkden RoadWallbridge DriveWalnut CrestWalsall Garden CentreWar MemorialWar Memorial (Stop F)War Memorial (Stop H)War Memorial (Stop J)Warren LaneWarstones DriveWasherwall LaneWaterfall LaneWaterhouses Primary SchoolWaterloo StreetWatersideWaterward CloseWayside AvenueWellesley Road (Stop S)Wellesley Road (Stop T)Wellington RoadWentlows RoadWentworth WayWeoley Castle LibraryWeoley Castle Post OfficeWest DriveWeston Road AcademyWest Street (Stop B)Westwood CollegeWestwood First SchoolWeymoor RdWharf RoadWheats AveWhite GatesWhitehallWhitehall (Stop P)White StreetWhittaker StreetWidney LaneWigley Road (Stop Ac)Wigley Road (Stop Ak)Wilderwick FarmWilliam Morris CourtWindmill Road Hampton Hill (Stop He)Windmill Road Hampton Hill (Stop Hv)Winking Man PhWinston PlaceWoffington Close (Stop C)Woffington Close (Stop F)Wolverhampton Bus Station (Stand U)Wood End FarmWood End RdWoodfield CourtWoodside RdWoodside RoadWoodvale MewsWorth Park AvenueWulfrun Centre (Stop Cg)Yardley Wood StationYeoman GardensYew Tree LaneYork St
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